Welcome to
Eleanor, West Virginia
"A 1930's New Deal Homestead Community"
(Formally called Red House Farms)

Un-official Town Web Page
by Marilyn
Web Master
Paul Michael Jones


Click for Eleanor, West Virginia Forecast


Hometown USA Web Site Award

"One Nation........Under God"

"America at War"

"Support Our Troops"

Regardless of your feelings about the administration and it's quest for
for the continued support in Iraq, consider this:

It's the soldier not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press.
It's the soldier not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech.
It's the soldier not the campus organizer who allows you to demonstrate.
It's the soldier who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin
is draped with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag.

"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform for us in our time of need. Amen."


If our quest to stop terrorism takes weeks, months or years, we must not tire. If threats of biological hazards and the unknown make us fearful, we must not falter. If our faith in our Government, Country and most of all God is ever present, we can not and will not fail.

On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy, in his inaugural address left us with the following words, "My fellow Americans, ask not what your Country can do for you----ask what you can do for your Country." Never in our history have these words had more meaning.

As fellow Americans, we must stand united!
We must do what we can for our Country. The courage we display at these uncertain and changing time will speak forever throughout centuries to come. Our success in this "Operation Iraqi Freedom" will depend as much on American Citizens as the American Government, we must not let "evil" control our lives............
God Bless Our Government, Our Country and Our Armed Forces. Let "America" alway be the land of the free and the home of the brave.
...............................Marilyn Jones

"The moment may be temporary,
but the memory is forever."
..............Author unknown

The Town of Eleanor has several families that have family members serving in the military. Should you pass a home that has a "Blue Star Service Banner" hanging in the window, please be aware this home has a family member serving in the military.
We are proud and honored these individuals have chosen to serve our Country and we appreciate the sacrifices they and their families are making.

America's best, we have witnessed their strength, but we must never forget their sacrifices.
"News from Eleanor Town Hall"
"Council Meetings for March"
Homestead Room
7:30 PM
The town council meetings for March 2005 will be held on the 3rd and 17th. All regular council meetings are held in the Homestead Room at Town Hall beginning at 7:30 PM. Meetings are open to the public and you are invited to attend.
"New Police Department Office"
201 Ash Circle
The old water treatment building built in 1934 for the project has been remodeled and now houses the Eleanor Police Department. The building is on Ash Circle catty-cornered behind the Red House.
The new office building contains ample office space, handicap restroom, evidence room, and room to hold town court and Police Commission meetings.
You are invited to visit the office and see the improvements.
Eleanor Police Chief: John Fleck
Officer: William Jordan
Office Phone: 304-586-1200
Office Fax: 304-586-1324
Emergency: 911
"Donations to the New Police Department"
Sal Rossi and Quality Woods donated the new doors and trim work for the Police Department building. The town would like to thank him for this generous donation.
"Room B Remodeled"
Without the need for office space in room B, it is in the process of being remodeled. When finished, the room will be much larger with handicap restrooms, new kitchen and a larger area for seating.
This is a much needed improvement and will be of great benefit to those renting the room in the future.
"New Handicap Restrooms for Town Park"
New handicap restrooms have been completed in the Eleanor Town Park. The restrooms are centrally located behind the Eleanor Fire Station. This gives persons renting the shelters easier access to these facilities.
"Eleanor Circle Sidewalk Construction"
A new sidewalk from Roosevelt Blvd. to the entrance behind George Washington Middle School has been completed. This sidewalk construction was funded by the Town of Eleanor and Dept. of Transportation - Division of Highways. At present time, the sidewalk is in front of the Library, Presbyterian Church, and borders the town park and ball fields. This will make it much safer for children walking home from school. When more funds become available, the town plans to continue with this project making the sidewalk complete around Eleanor Circle.
"New Roof for Town Hall"
(Red House)
The contract for a dark grey metal roof was awarded to Tri-State Roofing by sealed bids. The work on this project began on Monday, March 7, 2005.
You ask "why a metal roof?" Because of the expense of this large project, council felt this was the best choice. The longevity of metal roofs, plus the warranty that applies far outweight those of shingles.
"New White Vinyl Fence for Beech Grove Cemetery"
New white vinyl fencing has been purchased for the front of Beech Grove Cemetery. The fence will be joined together by brick pillars.
The town hopes to complete this project weather permitting after the Memorial service in May. This will be a beautiful addition to the cemetery.
"Town of Eleanor 70th Year Celebration"
June 17 - 18 - 19, 2005
A 70th year celebration is being planned for the Town of Eleanor. Being one of the "New Deal Communities" built during the depression years of the 30's, it was felt the town should celebrate it's beginning.
The town has much history to be proud of and it is hoped that younger generations will continue to celebrate the town's place in history.
If you would like to work on a committee or help with this project, please contact Marlane Carr at 304-586-2409.
"Putnam County Pool Season Passes"
(This is the rate for Eleanor Pool only)
Between now and April 30, 2005, Putnam County Pool Season Passes are being discounted 20%.
Regular price: Family $169.00..........with discount $135.20
Regular price: Individual $67.00.........with discount $53.60
If you plan on using this facility this summer, now is the time to purchase your Season pass and save.
Have fun in the sun!

"Cleanest Town in West Virginia"

"Town of Eleanor"

Rich in History.....
The present site of Eleanor was originally a track of land owned by George Washington. It was allotted to Howell Lewis, nephew of Washington who moved here with his wife Ellen from Richmond in 1812.


(Photograph of Eleanor Roosevelt, Age 14)

"A New Deal for America"
The United States government created approximately 180 developments across the country during the New Deal. These communities and sites were created by various government agencies and were as varied as the New Deal itself. Some of the projects were communities, others were homesteads, and still others were farmsteads. The various projects provided industrial worker housing, farmsteads for dislocated farmers and subsistence homesteads.


October 25, 1934
The Putnam County farm Project, near Red House, West Virginia is the third rural-industrial community started with funds of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. The project is designed to provide eventual self-support for 150 families now receiving emergency relief. The project intermingles both immediate and long-range objectives.


As we build from our past, we find satisfaction, enjoyment and pride in many events and amenities afforded us as the result of a prosperous economy and sound government.


Eleanor has been a wonderful place to live and raise a family. It is the people who live here that has made this town so special. For their friendship, kindness and support through the years, we would like to dedicate this page to them.
...............Sincerely, The Jones Family


"Guest Book"
After viewing our web site, please take the time to sign the Guest Book. Comments and suggestions are welcome. You could possibly find the email address of an old friend or classmate from the previously posted comments.
Note.......this Guest Book is monitored daily.
Any inflammatory or derogatory message will not be tolerated and will be promptly deleted.
Thank You..........


Welcome To Eleanor

News around Town

Town Government-Achievements

History-Red House

Annual Fairs, Festivals and Events

Schools and Civic Organizations

Town Parks & Recreation

County Park


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Last modified on Sunday, June 17, 2007